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Like petals of purpose, each moment can be offered in the sacred fires of surrender.


The rose does not cling to its petals but allows each one to gently fall away, one by one, moment by moment.

The movement of life bleeds in cycles.

The beginning is found in the ending.

The ending gives way to the beginning.

I don’t believe our problems can ever really be solved. For problems arise only out of the egoic mind. Problems stem from the fear of the unknown and the build up of our inner resistance to life and our role in it.

Ancient circles stepped into dance.

Flowing incense swirling around the swelling moon.

Far from home, I find myself wandering among the cherry blossoms here in Japan. As I walk among these living teachers of repose, I am reminded of a verse in the Tao Te Ching that says “To find your own nature, return to nature.”

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